Getting Started for Admins

Creating a Workspace

When you first sign up for the Kutano service, you will be asked to create a workspace. For more information see: Create a Workspace.

Inviting Team Managers

The next step is to invite those individuals who manage the each team. This is done by adding them to the workspace as a user. For more information see: Manage Users.

Once each team manager signs up, they can create their team's status sheet, customize it for their teams needs, and invite their team members to the new sheet. You can see how this is done in the Getting Started for Managers page.

Advanced Workspace Settings

Your new workspace comes with sensible default settings for most organizations. You can customize these settings to better suit your needs. For more information see: Workspace Admin.

Enterprise Settings

If you are an Enterprise Plan customer, you can customize your workspace settings to support your business needs. For more information see: Enterprise Settings.