Sign in

You may be asked to sign in to the Kutano if you haven't returned recently or you are signing in for the first time on a new device.

You can always get to the sign-in page by going to our website and clicking on the Sign In button at the top of the page.

Sign in dialog

Enter you formatted Email address and Password then click on the Sign in button.

Forgot Password

If you have forgotten you password, here are the instructions to verify and create a new password.

  1. click on the Forgot? button.
    Verify email dialog
  2. Enter your Email address and click on the Send button.
    Verify address dialog
    This dialog will appear and an email will be sent to your in-box that includes a 6-digit code. The email will look like:
    Confirm address email
  3. Copy the verification code from the email into the Verification code entry form and click the Verify button
    Reset password dialog
  4. Enter your new Password and click the Reset button
    Reset password confirmation

Use Custom Domain

For workspaces that have been configured with a custom domain, you can click on the Use custom domain button to make it easier to login to your workspace.
Use custom domain dialog