Roles and Permissions

Roles are used to associate permissions with people who are using the system.

Workspace Roles

Workspace users are assigned to roles that specify the permissions they have for working with the workspace.

Owner - A workspace has a single Owner. They have full control to administer the workspace including the ability to delete the workspace or transfer ownership to another user.

Admin - Users with an Admin role are able to help to manage workspace members and perform other administrative tasks.

Member - Most users will have a Member role. This allows them to create sheets, be members of sheets, and use the system but does not allow them access to workspace admin actions.

Restricted - A Restricted role can be used to provide access to the workspace with more limited permissions. A common use for Restricted is for users from outside companies who participate on teams but are not direct employees of the company. These users will not be able to create their own status sheets and will generally simply participate in status sheets that they are invited to join.

Status Sheet Roles

When a status sheet is shared with a user, it also specified a role to indicate the permissions that are available within that status sheet.

Owner - A status sheet has a single Owner. This user has full control over the sheet including the ability to delete the sheet. This is usually the manager for the team. Ownership can be transferred to another user if desired.

Administrator - An Administrator is used for users who have broad access to make changes to the sheet. This includes adding a removing members as well as updating all status update information.

Contributor - Most people will have a role of Contributor. These people have full access to sheet information, but are not able to make changes to the sheet membership or settings. They submit status update reports and receive all of the status update details from other sheet members.

Commenter - A Commenter role can be used to provide access to the sheet for people that are not core team members. This role allows them to see all of the activity details and to comment on the information. They do not submit weekly status updates.

Viewer - A Viewer role has access to the sheet and can view all of the data collected by the team but cannot interact or comment on the data.


Who can See Status Updates?

Status update details are only available to people who are directly listed in the Sharing settings for a status sheet. If a sheet specifies a manager and their four direct reports then only those five people will have access to each week's status update information. No other users in the workspace, even the workspace Owner and Administrators, will be able to access the sheet information unless they have specifically been granted access via Sharing.

Who can Submit a Status Update?

Each status sheet has a number of columns that are assigned to the user who is responsible for the status update information in that column. This is the user who will be sent a reminder to complete the status update and is generally the only person who will update the information in this column.

In addition to the user that is assigned to the column, it is also possible for sheet administrators and owners to modify information on behalf of other users. For example, when a person is on vacation, an admin user or sheet owner may update the information for them.