Glossary of Terms

This glossary defines common terms that you will see as when you are using Kutano.

Status Updates

Status Update - A status update consists of a weekly update on the activity of a team member. This provides a quick summary of whatever details are most important to the team. Examples include what the team member accomplished during the past week and their focus for the upcoming week.

Status Sheet - Status Sheets consolidate status update information across all team members. It is like having a whiteboard on the wall with each column filled out by a different team member. Typically a sheet is shared between a manager and all of their direct reports. It also can be used by a cross functional project team. Sheet sheets also provide an easy way to see information not only for the current week, but also for all prior weeks. This provides a convenient place to access all historical status update information.

Status Sheet Sharing - Sheets are able to specify a list of Users and Groups who have access to the sheet content. This is used to restrict access to the information within the application and also to control who receives notifications such as status update reports. The owner has complete control of who has access to the sheet and whether they can make updates to the information.

Template - Templates specify which information should be included in status updates. This allows the team to tailor the status update process to fit their specific needs. A team can pick one of the pre-defined templates or fully customize a template to meet their own specific needs.

Section - A section is a portion of a template with collecting a specific kind of information. Examples of sections include accomplishments, priorities, objectives, and metrics.

Kutano Application

Workspace - A workspace is a complete collection of users, sheets, and status updates for a company or organization. All information is private to members of the workspace and workspace administrators are able to configure the system to match the requirements for their company.

User - A user is a person with access to some of the information in the workspace. Users are required to sign in to the system in order to access their sheet and status update information.

Group - Groups can be used for advanced security implementations if desired. They provide a way to define groups of users who have access to common information. Examples of groups can include departments (Marketing, Sales, ...) or any other combination of people.