One-on-one Meeting Template

This template is used to support one-on-one meetings between a manager and a direct report.

One on One Meetings

A one-on-one meeting agenda is a roadmap for a focused and productive meeting between two individuals, typically a manager and a direct report, but it can also be used for peer-to-peer meetings. The purpose is to ensure both parties get the most out of the limited meeting time. Here's what a typical one-on-one meeting agenda covers:

I. Introduction & Icebreaker

Briefly acknowledge each other and set a positive tone.
An optional icebreaker question can help ease into the conversation.

II. Employee Check-in

Employee Led: The employee has a chance to discuss their workload, challenges, and areas they need support in.
Open Discussion: This is a two-way conversation where both can discuss workload, wellbeing, and work environment.

III. Project & Goal Updates

Progress Updates: Discuss the progress on ongoing projects and goals set in previous meetings.
Roadblocks & Solutions: Identify any roadblocks hindering progress and brainstorm solutions together.
Goal Setting: If needed, collaboratively set new goals or revise existing ones based on current priorities.

IV. Development & Feedback

Employee Development: Discuss opportunities for the employee's professional growth, like training, skill development, or mentorship.
Manager Feedback: The manager provides constructive feedback on the employee's performance, focusing on both strengths and areas for improvement.
Employee Feedback: If comfortable, the employee can offer feedback on the manager's leadership style or areas for improvement.

V. Action Items & Next Steps

Summarize key takeaways, decisions made, and action items with clear ownership for each.
Agree on next steps and deadlines.

VI. Open Discussion & Wrap-Up

Open forum for any additional topics either party wants to raise.
Briefly summarize key points and end on a positive note.

Additional Tips

Collaborative Effort - The agenda should be created collaboratively, with input from both parties.

Shared Agenda - Distribute the agenda beforehand to allow for individual preparation and ensure everyone's on the same page.

Flexibility - While the agenda provides structure, leave room for open discussion and addressing unforeseen topics.

Action Items & Follow-Up - Clearly defined action items and a follow-up plan ensure accountability and maintain momentum between meetings.

By following this structure and tailoring it to your specific needs, you can ensure your one-on-one meetings are productive and contribute to a strong working relationship.

Status Update

The status update includes discussion topics for a one-on-one meeting.

One-on-one Meeting Template - Status update

One-on-one Meeting Template - Status update

Status Sheet

The status sheet shows the content from the status update.

One-on-one Meeting Template - Status update