Employee Check-in Template

Quick check-in information for members of a team.

Employee Check-in

An employee check-in status update differs from traditional progress reports in its focus on two-way communication and addressing both progress and well-being.

Content and Purpose

  • Self-Directed: The employee has more control over the content compared to a formal report dictated by a manager.
  • Progress & Challenges: The employee highlights completed tasks, progress made on ongoing projects, and any roadblocks encountered.
  • Well-being & Support: The update can touch on the employee's workload, stress levels, and request for support if needed.
  • Open-Ended & Collaborative: It aims to open a conversation between the employee and manager to discuss work priorities, solutions to challenges, and overall well-being.

Benefits of Employee Check-in Status Updates

  • Improved Communication: Regular check-ins foster open communication and a stronger relationship between employee and manager.
  • Early Identification of Issues: Proactive discussions can help identify and address challenges before they escalate, impacting performance or well-being.
  • Increased Productivity: Addressing roadblocks and workload concerns can help employees stay focused and productive.
  • Employee Engagement: Regular check-ins demonstrate a manager's interest in their employees' well-being and can boost employee engagement.

Effective Employee Check-in Updates

  • Focus on Solutions, Not Just Problems: While highlighting challenges, the employee can also propose solutions or areas where the manager can assist.
  • Actionable & Specific: Provide specific details about progress made, roadblocks encountered, and any support needed.
  • Balance Work & Well-being: Address both work-related progress and personal well-being to create a holistic view of the employee's experience.

By incorporating employee check-in status updates, managers can create a more open and supportive work environment, address issues proactively, and ultimately contribute to a more productive and engaged workforce.

Status Update

The status update allows team members to provide a quick update to their manager about key activities during the week.

Employee Check-in Template - Status update

Employee Check-in Template - Status update

Status Sheet

The status sheet allows the manager to see a high level view of key information for each employee.

Employee Check-in Template - Status update