Kutano for Hybrid and Remove Teams

Connect and Collaborate While Working Remotely

Empower your remote team to plan projects, coordinate work remotely, and hit their goals with Kutano.

Improve Remote Team Communication and Visibility with Status Updates

Use Kutano to track and report on your team’s work, so you can see what’s going on and who’s responsible for what.

Communication Effectively with Your Team

Raise issues, track progress, and keep everyone on the same page.

Improve Visibility

Kutano increases clarity and accountability. With everything teams need to know and do in one place, you can stay aligned on responsibilities and goals. Because everyone knows the plan, the process, and where work stands.

Working Together is Hard Work

You likely have teammates who work in different locations and different hours. Plus, everyone’s work is now spread across multiple apps.

Lack of Visibility

Managers, leads, and teammates often miss important updates because they can’t see them.

Unclear Objectives

Everyone wastes time searching for info, figuring out what to work on, and duplicating work.

Poor Planning

Managers and leads don’t know what their teams are working on and waste time holding status meetings.

Collaboration Tools Strengthen Teams

Good collaboration software like Kutano helps eliminate communication and information silos by organizing your work and status updates in one place. Everyone knows who’s doing what. Teammates can easily discuss work and share ideas. You deliver projects on time.